Our Club Fundraisers
Many, many folks come to the Acton Fair just to get their annual fix of our world-famous chicken livers. The Acton Fair would not be the same without them! For 30 years we have been selling chicken livers to the crowds at Acton Fair and judging from the demand, we will need to continue this "community service" for another 30 years!
Rotary youth volunteers man the ice cream booth which sells delicious Shaker Pond Ice Cream which is generously donated by owner, David Swett. Proceeds from the ice cream booth sales support youth activities, events and projects throughout the year.
Starting in the early 1990s, Sanford-Springvale Rotary Club has held a Golf Tournament as a major fundraiser to support projects in our community and abroad. In 2011, Rotary and Kiwanis joined forces and combined golf tournaments, creating the Chip in FORE Charity golf event which kicks off the golf season at Sanford Country Club. Nearly 100 golfers and many area businesses support this event every year. Proceeds are divided equally between Kiwanis and Rotary and support their local charitable initiatives.